Piranhatitanium.jpg (10325 bytes)   pmi pirahna g2 sts.gif (68051 bytes)     G2-STS.jpg (8647 bytes)

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PMI Piranha G2 STS Series

Price: STS - $150.00- $160.00 STS Titanium-

Color Range:  black

The new Piranha G2 STS Series features an HVC, beaver tail, rear cocking knob, power feed, gas-through foregrip, 11" ported barrel and more! NOW INCLUDES A 2 FINGER FRAME

Paintballgear.com :  STS  STS Titanium

$150.00 - $170.00

Wolpb.com : STS   STS Titanium

$160.00 - $200.00